






 そういえば、珍しく「はてなブログ」について語ったりはしました。英語だけども。修復的正義の研究仲間のBrunilda Paliが、対談の企画をしてくれてそこで少し触れています。

I was a blogger. In Japan, in the late 2000s, a weblog by a company called Hatena became popular. At that time, academics, activists, professional writers, students, and citizens debated each other regardless of their status. I started blogging as a feminist, using my pen name around 2007 and discussing the issue online on a pretty much daily basis. I wrote book reviews about sexual violence and domestic violence, made my arguments about pornography regulation, and wrote essays about my experiences of sexism (except for sexual violence). I also engaged academics in debate, sometimes harshly criticising them.

Blogging was a common phenomenon for our generation. Those of us born between 1970 and 1982 are known in Japan as the ‘lost generation’. Due to the recession and the popularity of neoliberalism, we were subjected to fierce competition as youths and were forced to work hard for low pay. As a result, we were under-skilled in the workplace, and many of us are still in unstable employment. We were therefore blogging in the late 2000s as a tool to raise our voice. We argued that youth suffer not because of individual ability or responsibility but because of distortions in the social structure. Some of them published several experimental magazines and self-published newsletters, attempting to raise issues about the economic difficulties of young people and new forms of sexuality in the wider Japanese society. Unfortunately, the movement did not make it to the big waves and faded away. As one of those who was part of it, I believe that it did not succeed in changing society.






